A lot of people come into therapy wishing that their pain can go away instantly.
It’s almost like they expect their therapist to hold a wand and like magic make all the pain they feel or ever felt disappear. Truthfully, we wish it was something we can do but unfortunately, we live in the real world where you have to face life squarely. No shortcuts, you will have to work through your pain and with support, it always gets better.
It goes without saying that pain is a nerve recking unpleasant emotion that lots of people shy away from and understandably so. As humans, we shield our hearts to avoid the pain and if the pain eventually comes one way or the other, we either numb it or we find a distraction.
A lot of times, a good number of people deny that they feel any pain. Why allow an unpleasant emotion get through to you? Best run from it, right?
Doing all the above means we are not ready to take responsibility for our pain. A lot of people have run from their pain for years only to come face to face with it at a time they should have moved on from it. It’s sad, because coming face to face with your trauma years after can be demotivating especially since you haven’t healed.
So, let’s talk about why your pain should be your friend.
Your pain is a pointer to something about your life or your situation that needs your attention. It tells you what you need to change, leave or let go of.
Your pain reminds you that you are human, not necessarily vulnerable but that you have feelings. Your pain will always guide you on the right path. It’s what you do with your pain that determines your outcome from the situation that caused you pain in the first place.
Your pain is your friend.
It makes you aware of your inner struggles. It reminds you that something should be worked upon. It points you into your learning journey. With your pain, you get to learn.
You can’t possibly heal if you haven’t sat with your pain. Try not to avoid it, it’s your process.
The process is all about you understanding what you are feeling and making the deliberate and necessary effort to rise above it.
It doesn’t matter if the pain has been on for several years or if its recent; the same principle will work for you. Day to day progress will help you get through whatever you are feeling.
Rushing through the process of your healing is not advisable.
As absurd as it may sound, your pain will guide you through the process as it shows you your learnings before your healing kicks in.
I wish you all the best.